We were there: Ecomondo | WhiteCycle
November 8, 2022

We were there: Ecomondo | WhiteCycle

On November 8, the Whitecycle delegation was invited to the Cluster meeting: Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects contributing to the EU PlasticsStrategy, organized by the European Research Executive Agency (REA), EISMEA and CINEA.

Jean–Michel DOUARRE as the Whitecycle project coordinator did a short introduction about Whitecycle overall strategy to contributing to the EUPlastics Strategy and how clustering may further help Whitecycle in this direction.

The event was a clear opportunity to identify and get in touch with relevant projects in the Plastic Custer, projects like MERLIN, Buddie-Pack, CIMPA, NONTOX EU Project, Papillons, REMADYL, and CREATOR among others building up a Plastic Circularity Multiplier group with which synergies with WHITECYCLE showed up.

The Whitecycle delegation also took the time to visit the huge exposition of Ecomondo and see how much circular economy drives innovation in many domains.